Patient Resources
In this section, you'll find detailed articles covering diverse subjects such as prenatal care, menstrual health, fertility guidance, sexual wellness, and so much more. These articles are designed to demystify complex medical concepts, offering you clear explanations and up-to-date information.
Whether you're seeking preconception advice, information about the latest treatment options, or guidance on managing specific conditions, we've curated this content to help you make the best choices for your unique needs.
Access your patient portal for appointments, test results, and communications
Chronological Order
Basic Pregnancy Precautions (Diet, Exercise, Travel)
Getting Ready for the Hospital - everything to prepare before giving birth
Further Resources:
BIDMC lactation consultants - 617-667-5765
Nursing Mother’s Council - 617-244-5102
La Leche League - 1-800-5253243
Zipmilk - program run by MBFC that allows people to find breast/chestfeeding resources based on zip code
Office on Women’s Health, US Department of Health and Human Services
Postpartum Depression / Postpartum Mood Disorders
MCPAP for Moms - PPD Support Group
BIDMC Department of Social Work - Clinical social workers with expertise in postpartum adjustment. They provide information, referral and counseling.
Postpartum Support International - Care, support and resources for mothers and families.
Jewish Family and Children’s Services - Services focus on the early infant-parent relationship.
The Freedman Center Interface Referral Service - Free referrals to perinatal support groups and psychotherapists with perinatal expertise.
Alphabetic Order
Pelvic Floor Support (Prolapse, Preventative Exercises, Pessary)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Practice Info
Mon - Thurs - 8am - 4pm
Friday - 8am - 1pm
1180 Beacon Street, Suite A
Brookline, MA 02446
call 617-209-9606
fax 617-209-9606